


姚翔宇,特教授地大学者-青年拔尖人才IEEE MemberCAA Member






l 2021.06-至今: 中国地质大学,机械与电子信息学院,特教授

l 2021.06-至今: 中国地质大学,自动化学院,博士后


l 2019.08-2020.08 韩国 Yeungnam University电气工程CSC联培博士

导师:Ju Hyun Park教授(韩国科学院院士、首席科学家)

l 2015.09-2021.06 中国地质大学,机械与电子信息学院,工学博士(6年制硕博连读)

l 2011.09-2015.06 中国地质大学,机械与电子信息学院,工学学士(卓越计划)


l 机器人系统先进控制智能决策、信息物理融合与网络安全

l 无人飞行器/无人舰艇自主制导与优化博弈

l 人工智能、强化学习、电力系统自动化




l 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2024.01-2026.12, 主持.

l 湖北省自然科学基金青年基金, 2023.07-2025.06, 主持.

l 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2021.08-2023.08, 主持.

l 湖北省博士后创新研究项目, 2021.08-2023.08, 主持.

l 中央高校青年拔尖人才科研专项资助项目, 2021.06-2026.06, 主持.

l 上海交通大学系统控制与信息处理教育部重点实验室基金, 2023.01-2025.12, 主持.

l 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 混杂智能无人系统的自主协同与博弈, 2023.01-2027.12, 参与.

l National Research Foundation of Korea, Regional Leading Research Center (RLRC) for Autonomous Vehicle Parts and Materials Innovation, 2019.09.01-2026.02.28, 参与.

l National Research Foundation of Korea, Development of New Algorithms for Selecting Pinned Nodes of Networked Systems, 2017.03.01-2020.02.28, 参与.

l National Research Foundation of Korea, Brain Korea 21 Plus: Development of Advanced Smart Mechatronics Systems, 2013.09.01-2020.02.28, 参与.

l 优秀博士创新基金项目, 复杂机器人网络系统协同运动控制技术研究, 2019.06-2021.05, 主持.

l CSC博士联培项目, Event-triggered control of networked Euler-Lagrange systems, 2019.08-2020.08, 主持.

l 湖北省重大科技创新项目, 人机协作型移动式双臂作业机器人研发及应用验证, 2019.01-2021.12, 参与.


l Xiang-Yu Yao, J. H. Park, H. Ding, M. Ge, Event-triggered consensus control for networked underactuated robotic systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(05): 2896-2906. (高被引论文)

l Xiang-Yu Yao, J. H. Park, H. Ding, M. Ge, Coordination of a class of underactuated systems via sampled-data-based event-triggered schemes. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(04): 2156-2166.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, J. H. Park, H. Ding, M. Ge, Quantized fault-tolerant consensus for multiple Lagrangian systems subject to switching networks, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(11): 5069-5085.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, J. H. Park, H. Ding, M. Ge, Event-triggered fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems with semi-Markov process, International Journal of Control, 2022, 95(9): 2315-2325.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, H. Ding, M. Ge, J. H. Park, Event-triggered synchronization control of networked Euler-Lagrange systems without requiring relative velocity information, Information Sciences, 2020, 508: 183-199.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, H. Ding, M. Ge, Fully distributed control for task-space formation tracking of nonlinear heterogeneous robotic systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 96(1): 87-105.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, H. Ding, M. Ge, Task-space tracking control of multi-robot systems with disturbances and uncertainties rejection capability. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(4):1649-1664.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, H. Ding, M. Ge, Synchronization control for multiple heterogeneous robotic systems with parameter uncertainties and communication delays, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2019, 356(16):9713-9729.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, H. Ding, M. Ge, Formation-containment control for multi-robot systems with two-layer leaders via hierarchical controller-estimator algorithms, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2018, 355(12): 5272-5290.

l W Liu, Xiang-Yu Yao, M. Ge, M Hua, H Ding, Hierarchical nash equilibrium seeking strategies of quadratic time-varying games with Euler-Lagrange players. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2023, Accepted.

l W Liu, H Ding, Xiang-Yu Yao, M. Ge, M Hua, Nonlinear placement for networked EulerLagrange systems: A finitetime hierarchical approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2023, 33(5): 3129-3145.

l W. Liu, H. Ding, M. Ge, Xiang-Yu Yao, Cooperative control for platoon generation of vehicle-to-vehicle networks: A hierarchical nonlinear MPC algorithm. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 108(4): 3561-3578.

l X. Zhang, M. Li, H. Ding, Xiang-Yu Yao, Data-driven tuning of feedforward controller structured with infinite impulse response filter via iterative learning control, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2019, 13(8): 1062–1070.

l C. Liang, L. Wang, Xiang-Yu Yao, Z. Liu, M. Ge, Multi-target tracking of networked heterogeneous collaborative robots in task space, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 97(2): 1159–1173.

l M. Hua, H. Ding, Xiang-Yu Yao, X. Zhang, Distributed fixed-time formation-containment control for multiple Euler-Lagrange systems with directed graphs, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2021, 19(2): 837-849.

l Xiang-Yu Yao, M. Ge, H. Ding, L. Wang, J. Liu, T. Han, Z. Liu,  Synchronization tracking of heterogeneous robotic systems with parametric uncertainties and communication delays, 2018 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS), August 16-19, 2018, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 122-127.

l M. Hua, H. Ding, Xiang-Yu Yao, X. Zhang, Fixed-time task-space tracking control of networked Euler-Lagrange systems with uncertain kinematics and dynamics, 2021 27th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP), November 26-28, 2021, Shanghai, China, 197-204.


l 姚翔宇, , 一种四自由度并联机器人机构1, 2019-07-23, ZL201610867643.5.

l 姚翔宇, , 一种提升负载能力的两自由度并联机构, 2018-10-12, ZL201610989566.0.

l 翔宇, , 一种保持钻杆位姿平衡的海洋钻井装备, 2019-06-28, ZL201611161273.X.

l 翔宇, , 海上钻井设备, 2018-5-1, 中国, ZL201610643410.7.

l 翔宇, , 一种提升负载能力的2R两自由度并联机构, 2019-9-17, ZL 201610989565.6.

l 翔宇, , 一种四自由度并联机器人机构2, 2019-3-22, ZL 201610867406.9.

l 翔宇, , 六轴串联机器人运行监控系统软件V1.0, 2017SR039472, 2016-12-14.

l 翔宇, , 八档自动变速器运行监测系统V1.0, 2017SR178412, 2017-1-5.

l 翔宇, , 海洋钻井船运动参数采集系统软件V1.0, 2016SR330377, 2016-8-31.


l Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Neurorobotics.

l Session Chair of 2022 6th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences.

l Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsIEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsIEEE Transactions on Intelligent VehiclesInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlApplied Mathematics and ComputationNonlinear DynamicsInternational Journal of Control, Automation and Systems Shock and Vibration.

